About the
Halifax Fringe Festival
Established in 1990, The Halifax Fringe is an annual performing arts festival. We’ve been presenting an accessible, unjuried, and uncensored festival for the past 32 years. The Fringe includes theatre, music, circus, dance, comedy, and more! The Halifax Fringe presents local, national, and international artists and ideas. We span over 11 days long, presenting over 60 shows, doing over 350 individual performances.
The Halifax Fringe Festival creates a space for everyone to express themselves through performance.
Halifax Fringe Festival is a home for anyone to tell their story. We strive to empower artists and audiences. By prioritizing our core values of being un-juried, uncensored, and accessible, we aim to create a space that welcomes differences and celebrates expression.
As a member of the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals, Halifax Fringe strongly believes and upholds our core values:
• Unjuried: Participants are selected through a first-come, first served process and by lottery.
• Prioritizing Artists: The audience must have the option to pay a ticket price, 100% of which goes directly to the artists.
• Uncensored: Fringe Festival producers have no control over the artistic content of each performance. The artistic freedom of the participants is unrestrained.
• Accessibility: Festivals must provide an easily accessible opportunity for all audiences and all artists to participate in Fringe Festivals.
• Equity: Festivals will promote and model inclusivity, diversity and multiculturalism, and will endeavour to incorporate them into all aspects of our organizations.

Our Team
Sara Graham - sara@halifaxfringe.com
Chair - Tessa Pekeles
Treasurer - Alex Mills
Secretary - Colleen Arcturus MacIsaac
Members at Large - Nicole Figueira, Jeffrey Hale, Dorian Arcturus Lang, David Etherington,
Kevin Hartford, Dan Bray, a. laurel lawrence, and Frisia Li
Lee-Anne Poole (2016-2022)
Thom Fitzgerald (2010-2015)
Ken Pinto, Founder (1990-2009)​​